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I'm Michaela Lee Mitchell, formerly Bukaty, lover of branding and all things social media. I triple majored with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, Spanish and International Studies from Saint Louis University because one was just not enough! I have many interests, passions and love to learn new things. 



Born in a small town in Minnesota, I moved to Kansas City, MO at three days old. I'm in love with my city and all that comes from it--especially my mom and grandparents. My mom and I lived with my grandparents for most of my life which makes me a 70 year old trapped in a twenty-something's body. From my unique upbringing, I was taught to be myself and to be confident with who I am. My grandparents also taught me dedication, loyalty and every Irish blessing there is.


My online presence started when I was 11 and managed an online Harry Potter fan fiction account with hundreds of readers. It was my first time being exposed to managing a brand. Since then, my presence has matured from the Wizarding World to the professional world. Managing different organizations' online presence is one of my strongest passions. I love creating strategies to optimize your brand online and finding new ways to make you shine. 


Take a look around to see what else I'm passionate about!

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